They grabbed a six pack from the fridge and headed to their living room couch where many a video game and fantasy league had been agonized over.Ĭallum reached into the ottoman drawer and grabbed a can where they kept their pre-rolls. When they stumbled back into the apartment the booze energy was still flowing through both of them. The more they drank, the more the night became a giant adventure of barhopping, bonding, pool, shuffleboard, shots, green beer, and great times between long-time best friends. They'd both had a couple of near misses as far as bringing ladies back to the apartment went, but that was okay.
Patrick's Day was the kind of day you lived for. Patrick's Day.įor two guys in college, St. They'd spent the night puddle-jumping around neighborhood dives that were all doing big celebrations and green beer festivities for St. Alex and Callum headed back up the elevator of their four-story apartment building, both incredibly drunk and giggling at various dumb jokes they batted back and forth.